toggleTop day is our semiannual celebration extravaganza of gaming in the Chicago Area. Join us for a day of open gaming and exciting special events!
Date & Time: 11-9pm, July 20, 2019
Location: Durty Nellies Pub, 180 N Smith St, Palatine, IL 60067
Cost: Free to enter and play, though we encourage you to support Durty Nellie’s by buying their tasty food and beverages!
- Artemis Bridge Simulator – a multi-station computer game in which players work together to tackle space challenges as if they were on the bridge of a space exploring ship making a trek across the stars.
- Tag Sale – Sell your used games and find some new treasures! Bring games in the weeks before toggleTop day, then watch the money roll in. 10% of your sale price (up to $5 per game) goes to the [toggle] general fund.
- Cartographers Tournament – Come try out the new flip-and-write game from Thunderworks!, set in the Roll Player universe.
- Door Prizes – Come through the door, get a ticket, (maybe) win one of the prizes!

[toggle Gaming] is a free family-friendly game group that meets weekly at Durty Nellie’s pub in Palatine. We welcome dozens of gamers each week, and hold occasional special events, such as toggleTop day, to bring together the community outside our usual meetup times. Join us!

[toggle Gaming] is proud to be sponsored by XYZ Game Labs.