Tenth Anniversary New Cabinet Fundraiser

One of the great, glorious moments in [toggle Gaming] history was the unveiling of the game library cabinets. These beauties showed off the collection in a snazzy way, and helped cement [toggle] as the place to be. 

The old cabinets in their prime!

Alas, time has wrought its toll on our venerable game cases, and we’re due for an update. Wear and tear has left a couple of the cabinets unstable, and one is completely out of commission. Thus, we announce the New cabinet Fundraiser. 

Our goal:
Raise $1500 to refurbish the [toggle Gaming] library cabinets. Fundraiser ends: June 30th, 2023

This will buy:

  • 6 new rolling metal cabinets to hold and display most of our game library. 
  • Paint and decals to decorate the cabinets.
  • Lighting for the shelves.
  • Any other materials needed to set up the storage properly.

Leftover funds will be used to update the [toggle Gaming] collection and/or contribute to the general fund which pays for the Meetup account.

How the fundraiser will work:

  • Send donations to Venmo address: @toggleGaming (Zelle also available on request)
  • Bring cash or checks to [toggle Gaming] events to give to Rob or Brendan

We’ll post weekly updates with our totals.

Special sponsorship opportunity:
The new cabinets will be organized by type to make the collection easier to browse. Each cabinet will be named. This leads to a special opportunity. If you want to sponsor a whole cabinet, for $250, you get to choose a name or dedication for the cabinet (in negotiation with [toggle Gaming] leaders) and help decide what kinds of games will live in that cabinet. If you want to sponsor a cabinet, send an email to naming@togglegaming.com or talk to Brendan or Rob at an in person [toggle] Tuesday event.