Welcome to [toggle Gaming] events page. We post announcements about our events here. Aside from our regular Tabletop Tuesday event,… Read more [toggle Gaming] Events

Welcome to [toggle Gaming] events page. We post announcements about our events here. Aside from our regular Tabletop Tuesday event,… Read more [toggle Gaming] Events
March was a wild ride, but it’s almost over. Join us for the last Tabletop Tuesday event of the month. Games will be played. Glory will be gained. Triumph and Tragedy. More exciting stuff. You know you want to come play games, so just do it! We’re meeting from 6pm to 11pm upstairs at Nellie’s in Palatine. Join us, won’t you?
The weather is up and down — one moment it’s hot enough for shorts, the next it’s so cold you’re busting out your hat again. What is a gamer to do? Come play games, of course. Join us at Nellie’s in Palatine from 6:30 to 9:30 on Tuesday, March 18th. You won’t regret it!
The ice is off the branches and you might not need that scarf to go outside. So what more do you need to join us for some Tuesday night games? Get on down here and join us. We’re gathering upstairs at Nellie’s in Palatine, enjoying all the best gaming has to offer. We’ll be there from 6-11pm on Tuesday Feb 25. JOIN US.
Zzzzzap! The 18th is electric. Bring your games that have gizmos — bleeps, bloops, batteries, and whizbangs. Let’s fill the upstairs of Nellie’s with digital noises and the laughs that go with them. Join us, won’t you, whether electrified or not? We’ll be upstairs from 6-11pm in Palatine, and we can’t wait to see you.
Chicago is a big gaming town! We won’t get lost on the way to Nellie’s! Duck out early from your job at a chapeau shop and come join us upstairs at Nellie’s in Palatine from 6:00-11:00. Rock ‘n roll!
We’ve crossed the Rubicon! Or at least, the end of January. February is here and winter’s icy grip has begun to thaw. What better way to celebrate than with some board games?! Come join us upstairs at Nellie’s in Palatine from 6:00-11:00? There is no better way.
I will see you from 6-11pm at Nellie’s in Palatine, upstairs, on Tuesday January 21st. Be there or the cold grip of winter will come for you.
In the deep cold of winter, you might be tempted to be stay in, snuggle up, and ignore the siren call of gaming. RESIST, friends! Bundle up and venture out, like your forebears trudging into the cold to find sustenance. You can find vittles and camaraderie at Nellie’s in Palatine. Get on out here! Come play games and have a great time from 6pm to 11pm on January 14th!
Happy New Year! Out with the old! In with the New! And what better way to celebrate the click-over from ’24 to ’25 than with… Tabletop Tuesday at Nellie’s? Bring your hunger hat and your gaming shoes … er, I’m not sure where that was going. But come ready to eat, drink, and play games! We’ll be upstairs, as usual. Come play games and have a great time from 6pm to 11pm on January 7th!
Bring your holiday cheer for the last toggle of the year! We’re gonna whoop it up with … some games, of course. Join us upstairs at Nellie’s from 6pm to 11pm, as usual. We can’t wait to see you!