Tabletop Tuesday: The Electronic 18th! (2/18)

Zzzzzap! The 18th is electric. Bring your games that have gizmos — bleeps, bloops, batteries, and whizbangs. Let’s fill the upstairs of Nellie’s with digital noises and the laughs that go with them. Join us, won’t you, whether electrified or not? We’ll be upstairs from 6-11pm in Palatine, and we can’t wait to see you.

Four people play Clank Catacombs

Tabletop Tuesday: What kind of day will you have? (5/7)

May the 7th is both National Tourism Day and Poem on Your Pillow day. Come on out to [toggle Gaming] for either celebration! Maybe play a game about travel, like Let’s Go Japan! or A Walk in Burano. Or perhaps a word-smithing game like Poetry for Neanderthals. Either way, the action starts at 6pm upstairs at Durty Nellie’s in Palatine, and we hope you’ll join us!