[toggle Gaming] presents: Newcomer Night at Tabletop Tuesday, a board gaming gathering held every Tuesday upstairs at Durty Nellie’s pub. Join us on 12 November 2019 from 6pm to midnight. And bring a friend!

If you’re relatively new to [toggle Gaming] or have been considering coming out but were hesitant, this is the week! We’ll have new-player friendly games, greeters on hand, some prizes, and plenty of welcoming spirit. Join us!

Rise of Tribes
Donated by Breaking Games
Taught by Dan Flaherty
In Rise of Tribes, players control a tribal faction in prehistoric times looking to GROW, MOVE, GATHER, and LEAD their people. The board is modular, composed of hexes in various terrain types. Each hex has a population limit. Players manage the number of tribe members they place on any one hex to either trigger or avoid conflict.
LOTS OF OTHER GREAT GAMES! At Tabletop Tuesday, 50-100 people meet each week to play all sorts of different games. Recent titles played at the event include Point Salad, ROAM, Disney’s Villainous, Tesla vs. Edison, 7 Wonders, Raccoon Tycoon, Nanty Narking, and many more! Bring your own game or use one of the 400+ games in our library.

DESIGNERS WELCOME! Tabletop Tuesday has a healthy community of designers who bring prototypes to try. If you’re going to join them, you should plan to play other peoples’ games, but you’re also welcome to bring yours as well.

PLAY ALL EVENING! We play from 6:00 until 12:00am. But you don’t need to be there the whole time. Many members leave early or arrive late. If you’re looking to play something specific — especially a “heavier” game that might take a little preparation, head over to our Facebook page to pre-arrange your game. Nellie’s also has a lovely patio you can use for outside play when the weather is pleasant.

FAMILIES WELCOME! While [toggle Gaming] is an adult event held at a bar, feel welcome to bring your children with you. Our library has many family friendly games, and we regularly welcome younger gamers to the table.
Come by, grab a pint, roll some dice, play some cards, collect some cubes, watch some flicks, see familiar faces, and make new friends.
Everdell More Everdell Raccoon Tycoon Featured game of 5 November: Everdell!
If you’re a member of Chicago Game Lovers (http://www.meetup.com/chicagogames/) as well; be sure to RSVP to the meetup there as well so we can tell the members there how much fun we have!
[toggle Gaming] is proud to be sponsored by XYZ Game Labs.