[tg] Incan Gold online

Tabletop Tuesday Online: Incan Gold (Apr 14, 7pm)

In an effort to maintain some of the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship of our live meetups, we’ll be hosting live online events each week on Tuesday nights.
This week, we’ll host a game of INCAN GOLD for an hour or so starting around 7pm on April 14th. We will play on Zoom. Reach out via the Facebook page or email info@togglegaming.com for the Zoom link.

Tabletop Tuesday Online: Wavelength (24 Mar, 7pm)

In an effort to maintain some of the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship of our live meetups, we’ll be hosting live online events each week on Tuesday nights. This week (March 24th), we’ll host a game of WAVELENGTH for an hour or so starting around 7pm. More details on the where and how will follow on Monday, but we wanted to get this on your calendar.

Tabletop MONDAY at Durty Nellies, 6pm-Midnight, 16 Mar 2020

[toggle Gaming] presents: Tabletop MONDAY at Durty Nellie’s Pub. March roars in like a lion, and leaves like a lamb. So what is it just past the halfway point? A lion/lamb hybrid with a wooly coat and a taste for meat, or a golden-maned king that bleats and shuffles around with its pals? Whichever way it’s leaning, we’ll be here, leaning on the game table and waiting for you. Join us, won’t you? We start at 6pm on Monday, 16 March.

Durty Nellie's was hoppin!

Tabletop Tuesday at Durty Nellies: 6pm-Midnight, 10 Mar 2020

[toggle Gaming] presents: Tabletop Tuesday at Durty Nellie’s Pub. “Nothing is so beautiful as Spring/ when weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush,” and to Dirty Nellie’s Palatine tables/ your fellow togglers scheme and scurry and rush. The snow has melted (mostly) and our breath is bated, waiting for you to grab a drink, pull up a chair, and claim the unnecessarily large first player marker. Come on down! We start at 6pm on Tuesday, 10 March.