Tabletop Tuesday at Nellies, 9 Aug

[toggle Gaming] presents: Tabletop Tuesday! Sneak out of the heat into Nellie’s cool air-conditioned upstairs, and get your Game On! Join us at Nellies from 6pm to 11pm on Tuesday August 9th for games, food, and fun!

Holi festival of colors!


[toggle Gaming] encourages attendees to follow local, state, and federal guidelines for gathering safely. At present masks are optional but absolutely welcome.


Bring your own games or use our library. We have over 300 games for you to use, not to mention the dozens of games our members bring to play each week! Recently we’ve had a great time, playing lots of games!

Some of the games we play at [toggle Gaming]!


Tabletop Tuesday events have often played host to designers of all stripes, with games at all levels of development. Join us and who knows what future hit you might try?


The dragons of Tsuro are on the prowl!

We start at 6pm and go until 11pm. But you don’t need to be there the whole time. Arrive when you like, leave when you want. If you’re hoping to play something specific–especially something “heavier” that might take a little preparation–consider heading over to our Facebook page to pre-arrange your game. Nellie’s has a lovely patio you can use for outside play when the weather is pleasant.


While [toggle Gaming] is an adult event held at a bar, we keep it pretty family-friendly. Our library has many all-ages games, and we regularly welcome younger gamers to the table.

Which racer will you bet on in Camel Up?

Come by, grab a pint, roll some dice, play some cards, collect some cubes, watch some flicks, see familiar faces, and make new friends.

If you’re a member of Chicago Game Lovers ( as well; be sure to RSVP to the meetup there as well so we can tell the members there how much fun we have!

[toggle Gaming] is proud to be sponsored by XYZ Game Labs.

* Except where otherwise noted, photos were taken by toggle Gaming organizers at our last meetup.